
How developers test their code

Environment: iOS Application, XCode IDE

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Benjamin Dumont


  • How to write unit a test
  • Test Driven Development
  • Behavior Driven Development
  • UI Tests

Let's start a Hello World

Principle: When you have a firstname, print "Hello firstname!" (replacing firstname by the real value). Otherwise, say "Hello World"

3 amigos / Example mapping

What we need to test

  • Values defined in a rule
  • Boundary cases
  • Special values (null, 0, empty string...)

Too many cases => you may use a statistic approach (e.g. pair wise)

Let's write some code

struct HelloWorldResult {
    let string: String?
    init(_ string: String?) {
        self.string = string
    var result: String {
        "Hello \(string ?? "World")!"

How to write unit test

3A rule:

  • Arrange:

    Setting up the context

  • Act:

    Calling the code to test

  • Assert:

    Analyzing the result

Let's write the tests 1/2

1rst test

func test_should_return_hello_world_when_string_is_nil() throws {
   // Arrange
   let expected = "Hello World!"
   // Act
   let result = HelloWorldResult(nil).result
   // Assert
   XCTAssertEqual(result, expected)

Let's write the tests 2/2

2nd test

func test_should_return_hello_with_name_when_string_is_a_name() throws {
   // Arrange
   let name = "Benjamin"
   let expected = "Hello \(name)!"
   // Act
   let result = HelloWorldResult(name).result
   // Assert
   XCTAssertEqual(result, expected)

Test Driven Development

  • Test first (before coding)
  • Red/Green/Refactor


We want to get the color when we mix 2 primary colors. Please fill the example mapping.

Let's write some code 1/3

We need:

  • The definition of primary color
  • A function that mixes the 2 primary colors and returns a color

Let's write some code 2/3

The definition of primary color

enum PrimaryColorResult {
    case red
    case blue
    case yellow

Let's write some code 3/3

A function that mixes the 2 primary colors and returns a color

struct MixColorsResult {
    func mixColors(_ color1: PrimaryColorResult, _ color2: PrimaryColorResult) -> UIColor {
      UIColor.black // Unexpected color

Let's write the first test (Red)

The test fails and that's great!

func test_should_return_red_when_both_colors_red() throws {
   // Arrange
   let color = PrimaryColorResult.red
   let expected = UIColor.red
   // Act
   let result = MixColorsResult().mixColors(color, color)
   // Assert
   XCTAssertEqual(expected, result)

Let's write the first test (Green)

The test is in success. Now you can refactor if needed

struct MixColorsResult {
    func mixColors(_ color1: PrimaryColorResult, _ color2: PrimaryColorResult) -> UIColor {
      if color1 == red && color2 == red {
         return UIColor.red
      return UIColor.black // Unexpected color

Let's go further 1/2

Using the red/green method, we developed 3 cases: red/red, blue/blue, yellow/yellow

Let's go further 2/2

struct MixColorsResult {
    func mixColors(_ color1: PrimaryColorResult, _ color2: PrimaryColorResult) -> UIColor {
      if color1 == red && color2 == red {
         return UIColor.red
      if color1 == blue && color2 == blue {
         return UIColor.blue
      if color1 == yellow && color2 == yellow {
         return UIColor.yellow
      return UIColor.black // Unexpected color


enum PrimaryColorResult {
    case red
    case blue
    case yellow
    var color: UIColor {
        switch self {
        case .red:
            return UIColor.red
        case .blue:
            return UIColor.blue
        case .yellow:
            return UIColor.yellow
struct MixColorsResult {
    func mixColors(_ color1: PrimaryColorResult, _ color2: PrimaryColorResult) -> UIColor {
      if color1 == color2 {
         return color1.color
      return UIColor.black // Unexpected color

Final tests

    func test_should_return_red_when_both_colors_red() throws {
        // Arrange
        let color = PrimaryColorResult.red
        let expected = UIColor.red
        // Act
        let result = MixColorsResult().mixColors(color, color)
        // Assert
        XCTAssertEqual(expected, result)

    func test_should_return_blue_when_both_colors_blue() throws {
        // Arrange
        let color = PrimaryColorResult.blue
        let expected = UIColor.blue
        // Act
        let result = MixColorsResult().mixColors(color, color)
        // Assert
        XCTAssertEqual(expected, result)
    func test_should_return_yellow_when_both_colors_yellow() throws {
        // Arrange
        let color = PrimaryColorResult.yellow
        let expected = UIColor.yellow
        // Act
        let result = MixColorsResult().mixColors(color, color)
        // Assert
        XCTAssertEqual(expected, result)
    func test_should_return_green_when_colors_yellow_and_blue() throws {
        // Arrange
        let color1 = PrimaryColorResult.yellow
        let color2 = PrimaryColorResult.blue
        let expected = UIColor.green
        // Act
        let result = MixColorsResult().mixColors(color1, color2)
        // Assert
        XCTAssertEqual(expected, result)
    func test_should_return_green_when_colors_blue_and_yellow() throws {
        // Arrange
        let color1 = PrimaryColorResult.blue
        let color2 = PrimaryColorResult.yellow
        let expected = UIColor.green
        // Act
        let result = MixColorsResult().mixColors(color1, color2)
        // Assert
        XCTAssertEqual(expected, result)
    func test_should_return_purple_when_colors_blue_and_red() throws {
        // Arrange
        let color1 = PrimaryColorResult.blue
        let color2 = PrimaryColorResult.red
        let expected = UIColor.purple
        // Act
        let result = MixColorsResult().mixColors(color1, color2)
        // Assert
        XCTAssertEqual(expected, result)
    func test_should_return_purple_when_colors_red_and_blue() throws {
        // Arrange
        let color1 = PrimaryColorResult.red
        let color2 = PrimaryColorResult.blue
        let expected = UIColor.purple
        // Act
        let result = MixColorsResult().mixColors(color1, color2)
        // Assert
        XCTAssertEqual(expected, result)
    func test_should_return_orange_when_colors_red_and_yellow() throws {
        // Arrange
        let color1 = PrimaryColorResult.red
        let color2 = PrimaryColorResult.yellow
        let expected = UIColor.orange
        // Act
        let result = MixColorsResult().mixColors(color1, color2)
        // Assert
        XCTAssertEqual(expected, result)
    func test_should_return_orange_when_colors_yellow_and_red() throws {
        // Arrange
        let color1 = PrimaryColorResult.yellow
        let color2 = PrimaryColorResult.red
        let expected = UIColor.orange
        // Act
        let result = MixColorsResult().mixColors(color1, color2)
        // Assert
        XCTAssertEqual(expected, result)

Final code

enum PrimaryColorResult {
    case red
    case blue
    case yellow
    var color: UIColor {
        switch self {
        case .red:
            return UIColor.red
        case .blue:
            return UIColor.blue
        case .yellow:
            return UIColor.yellow

struct MixColorsResult {
    func mixColors(_ color1: PrimaryColorResult, _ color2: PrimaryColorResult) -> UIColor {
        switch (color1, color2) {
        case (.red, .blue), (.blue, .red):
            return UIColor.purple
        case (.yellow, .red), (.red, .yellow):
            return UIColor.orange
        case (.blue, .yellow), (.yellow, .blue):
            return UIColor.green
            return color1.color

Behavior Driven Development

  • Close to the UI
  • Passing through the layers is allowed (only data layer is mocked/stubbed)
  • May use Gherkin language

Gherkin example

Feature: Mixing primary colors

Scenario Outline: Primary Colors
   Given 1rst color is <color1>
      And 2nd color is <color2>
      When I mix
      Then the result is <result>
      | color1 | color2 | result |
      | red    | red    | red    |
      | yellow | yellow | yellow |
      | blue   | blue   | blue   |
      | red    | yellow | orange |
      | red    | blue   | purple |
      | blue   | yellow | green  |
      | blue   | red    | purple |
      | yellow | red    | orange |
      | yellow | blue   | green  |

Run the tests

// We use XCTest_Gherkin library to run Gherkin tests
func test_gherkin() throws {
   NativeRunner.runScenario(featureFile: "MixColorsResultTests.feature",
                            scenario: "Primary Colors",
                            testCase: self)

Mapping between the tests and the Gherkin file

private final class StepsDefinition: StepDefiner {
   private var result: UIColor?
   private var color1: PrimaryColorResult?
   private var color2: PrimaryColorResult?
   private enum ColorGherkin: String, MatchedStringRepresentable {         
      init?(fromMatch: String) {
         self.init(rawValue: fromMatch)
      case red = "red"
      case blue = "blue"
      case yellow = "yellow"
      case purple = "purple"
      case green = "green"
      case orange = "orange"
      var value: UIColor {
         switch self {
            case .red:  return UIColor.red
            case .blue: return UIColor.blue
            case .yellow: return UIColor.yellow
            case .green: return UIColor.green
            case .orange: return UIColor.orange
            case .purple: return UIColor.purple
      var primaryValue: PrimaryColorResult? {
         switch self {
            case .blue: return .blue
            case .yellow: return .yellow
            case .red: return .red

               return nil
   override func defineSteps() {
      step("1rst color is (.*)") { (match: ColorGherkin) in
         self.color1 = match.primaryValue
      step("2nd color is (.*)") { (match: ColorGherkin) in
         self.color2 = match.primaryValue
      step("I mix") {
         self.result = MixColorsResult().mixColors(self.color1!, self.color2!)
      step("the result is (.*)") { (match: ColorGherkin) in
         XCTAssertEqual(self.result, match.value)

UI tests

  • Language dependent
  • Takes time
  • Difficult to maintain
  • Must be done at the end of a release
  • Cannot replace a tester

Snapshot UI tests

Source Code: Click here
Github: benjdum59
Website: benjdum59.github.io
Mail: benjamin.dumont.pro@gmail.com

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